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Parks & Recreation 07/15/13 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of Monday,
July 15, 2013
Town Hall, Room 5 at 7pm

Committee Members: Billie Luker (BL), Rita Mullin (RM), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF),
Patricia Fillmore (PF); Ron Kern (RK)
Staff:  Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Lynne Clemens (LC)
Tardy: Sergio Coviello (SC)
Absent: Maureen Stevens (MS), Marty Tilton (MT)
Call to order: 7:05pm; Quorum, called by Billie Luker
Audience of Citizens:  

Acceptance of Minutes:  6/24/13
(RK) Ron Kern made a motion to accept the minutes of 6/24/13 as is.
(PF) Pat Fillmore seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
                Approved: 5             Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed

(SC arrived at 7:13pm)

New Business

Old Business
•       Parks update (LC)
o       Small Pavilion at IRP-believe it has been fixed.
o       RK suggests committee do a walk through once in a while to inspect facilities/assets
o       MF has been asking for a maintenance schedule
o       BL agrees we need a schedule

•       Recreation Director Update(LC)
o       Movie Night : has been moved to 8/26
o       Summerscape program: numbers doing better
o       Kid Connection: numbers still light
o       Sports camps: they are doing better Skyhawks numbers are low.
o       CORI Checks: we are required to CORI all instructors and volunteers over the age of 18. Human resources at town hall are the only dept capable of doing CORI checks.  Human Resources personnel are out for two weeks on vacation therefore we are not able to do the CORI checks for the instructors of the upcoming programs. Discussion was had.

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•       Operation Director Update (MS)
o       BBQ concert: Marty was going to check into the possibility of a misting tent.  Next BBQ BL will not be there. MF and RK will be there.

•       LUC (RM)
o       Golf: RM would like to get the reminder cards from the office so she can mail them
o       Carroll Smith/Lena Mullin Dedication: The Meditation garden dedication went wonderful.  Everyone was very happy.
o       Trailer by Gazebo for BBQ:  LUC does not like the trailer there they believe it is an eye sore.

•       CIT Updates (RM):
o       National Night Out (NNO) 8/6/13: It is on a Tuesday.  We are looking for Volunteers. Rec and Youth services were asked to have a combined table at the event. Free BBQ, face painting, vendors, and moon bounce. RM asked LC to ask Jim DeCola if we are allowed to put lawn signs out on personal property to promote.

•       FONRPRC Updates (SS): NONE

Other Business
•       HS Football practice field: BL received a call that the practice field at the HS was ripped up due to construction.  BL wanted to know why we were not informed of when this was going to happen and what we will be doing to accommodate football league for practice space.  Mullin field was suggested.  RM stated that we need to ask Marty and Maureen because they handle fields.

•       Next Meeting date (SS)
Next Meeting Dates:     August 5th – Sergio will not be attending
                        August 19th
•       Adjournment
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick made a motion to adjourn meeting at 8:15 pm.
(RK) Ron Kern seconds the motion.
                Approved:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0                 
No Discussion-Motion Passed